Local Witch Doctor Delicious and Nutritious Herbal Recipes

🍵 Soothing Herbal Tea for Common Cold Symptoms

Discover a soothing herbal tea recipe for common cold symptoms. Learn how to make this herbal remedy with echinacea, elderberries, peppermint leaves, and ginger root.

Soothing Herbal Tea for Common Cold Symptoms

You will need:

  • dried echinacea1 tablespoon of dried echinacea
  • dried elderberries1 tablespoon of dried elderberries
  • dried peppermint leaves1 tablespoon of dried peppermint leaves
  • dried ginger root1 tablespoon of dried ginger root
  • water2 cups of water
  • honeyHoney to taste


  1. First, bring 2 cups of water to a rolling boil in a pot. The water should be hot enough to extract the beneficial compounds from the herbs.
  2. Next, add 1 tablespoon each of dried echinacea, elderberries, peppermint leaves, and ginger root to the boiling water. These herbs are known for their immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory properties which are beneficial in relieving cold symptoms.
  3. Allow the mixture to simmer for about 15 minutes. This will ensure that all the potent compounds from the herbs are well extracted into the water.
  4. After simmering, strain the tea into a cup. Be careful to avoid any herb particles in your tea.
  5. Finally, add honey to taste. Honey not only sweetens the tea but also soothes sore throats and suppresses coughs.


This herbal tea can be consumed 2-3 times a day during a cold. Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any herbal treatment.

At Local Witch Doctor, we believe in the power of nature's bounty to heal and soothe. Our herbs are not just for flavoring dishes, they also serve as potent remedies for common ailments. One such remedy is our Soothing Herbal Tea for Common Cold Symptoms, a comforting blend of echinacea, elderberries, peppermint leaves, and ginger root.

This herbal concoction is a testament to the healing potential of herbal remedies. Each ingredient has been carefully selected for its medicinal properties. Echinacea, known for boosting the immune system, works hand in hand with elderberries, a rich source of antioxidants. Peppermint leaves add a refreshing flavor while soothing a sore throat, and ginger root, a powerful anti-inflammatory, helps to alleviate cold symptoms.

Creating this herbal tea is as simple as boiling water and adding the herbs. After simmering for 15 minutes, strain the tea and add honey to taste. This sweetener not only makes the tea more palatable but also has antimicrobial properties that can aid in fighting off infections.

While this tea can be a great addition to your natural healing remedies, it's important to remember that it's not a cure-all. Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any herbal treatment. If you're interested in exploring more herbal tea recipes, check out our collection here.

So, the next time you feel a cold coming on, instead of reaching for over-the-counter medicine, why not try a cup of our Soothing Herbal Tea? It's a delicious, natural way to alleviate your symptoms and give your immune system a helping hand. Remember, the best cure is prevention. Regularly drinking herbal teas can boost your immunity and keep you healthy all year round.